Amara Leggett received her high school diploma and Associate of Science degree at 16 years old. She received these 10 days a part in the middle of her junior year in December of 2017. To top it off she is on track to graduate again in December of 2020 with her Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at 19 years old.
She became interested in Dual Enrollment after attending a College Credit Plus meeting her 8th grade year. She entered high school with seven high school credits always challenging herself academically, and her high school advisor wanted to fill her schedule with classes that would not apply directly to her program. Amara enrolled in her first college classes the second half of her freshman year at 14 to pursue a new program in her Ohio, but an old initiative around the country.

That first semester she took a college class at her high school and in person at her local community college. From there she would go on to take classes every semester after for a total of 6 semesters for 2 years straight. She gradually increased her college schedule and decreased her high school classes to receive as much dual credit as humanly possible.
She has taken every type of class listed in out Where Do You Take Dual Enrollment Classes? article. From high school offered college classes, to online and in-person Saturday courses, she worked hard to make her goal of graduating at 16 possible. With her plan, her community rallied around her to keep her going even when it seemed that she would not graduate because of one class. In the end, she took 18 college credits her last semester to graduate one time. After walking across the stage at her community college, she was recognized by the President in his commencement speech and featured in the local newspaper. By this time, she had already started a business, A Young Legend, teaching others about this national program.

Now, Amara is the author of a book, The Strategic Mind of A Young Legend, to share how a college graduate at 16 is changing the world one word at a time. She shares how to build a successful personal brand early and start a business so opportunities find you. Also, she recently added a surprise inside for people to know how to graduate early themselves with her iconic guide on How to Graduate High School and College Early. Her achievements don’t stop there, she delivered a TEDx Talk about How to Develop a Plan and Make the Impossible Possible based on graduating early. To finish it off, she travels the United States speaking about how to do just that through dual enrollment, personal branding, and business.
Amara is a perfect example of someone who took full advantage of Dual Enrollment financially, academically, and professionally. You can check out her Dual Enrollment schedule to dive further into exactly what she took at both institutions to graduate at 16. Make sure to stay updated on her journey to see where she goes after graduating college again.
Lastly, your can order a copy of her book with a 15% off discount by using the coupon code dualenrollment to order here.